Heidelberg University

Personal page of Dr. Stefan Richter

Member of
Position PostDoc
Office INF 205, 4/223
E-Mail stefan.richter[at]iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Telephone +49 6221 54 14181

Research Interests

  • Statistical Learning
  • Highdimensional Time Series Data
  • Technical finance analysis (in collaboration with Dragoljub Katic)

Publications and Preprints

Books and lecture notes:
  • (Sep/2019) Stefan Richter: Statistisches und maschinelles Lernen, Springer Verlag Link
  • (Jul/2021) Stefan Richter: Tutorial: Statistical analysis of machine learning algorithms (143 pages)
Papers und Preprints:

Lecturer for:

Semester Name
Winter term 2023/2024 Lecture
Statistical analysis of machine learning algorithms
Summer term 2023 Lecture
Probability Theory 2
Winter term 2022/2023 Lecture
Discrete and continuous time financial mathematics
Summer term 2021 Seminar
Probability theory and statistics for stationary processes
Winter term 2020/2021 Lecture
Statistical analysis of machine learning algorithms
Winter term 2020/2021 Seminar
Regression analysis and highdimensional data
Summer term 2020 Lecture
Probability theory 1
Winter term 2019/2020 Seminar
Mathematical Statistics in Machine Learning

Teaching assistant for:

Semester Name
Winter term 2023/2024 Lecture
Statistical analysis of machine learning algorithms
Summer term 2021 Lecture
Probability Theory 2
Summer term 2021 Seminar
Probability theory and statistics for stationary processes
Winter term 2020/2021 Lecture
Statistical analysis of machine learning algorithms
Winter term 2020/2021 Seminar
Regression analysis and highdimensional data
Summer term 2020 Lecture
Probability theory 1
Summer term 2019 Lecture
Linear Algebra 2
Winter term 2018/2019 Lecture
Linear Algebra 1
Summer term 2017 Seminar
Dynamical Models for Networks
Summer term 2017 Lecture
Probability Theory 2
Winter term 2016/2017 Lecture
Statistics 1
Summer term 2016 Lecture
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1